So I started a YouTube channel…

4 min readMay 17, 2021

It has been on my mind for a couple of, erm, years now, yeah took me a while to decide. Thing is that being a married man with kids, and three dogs, and holding a full-time job, and all those common excuses or bulls**t that put your soul to rest by admitting that you don`t have time, yet deep down you know that you`re lying to yourself quite blatantly.

In reality, we do find time for a cig, for Netflix or YouTube binging, to watch a football match, PC or console gaming, etc, so there is some spare time after all. If you are passionate about something or someone, you`ll find the time to dedicate, even if that`s late at night or early in the morning. In my case I felt this growing attraction towards YouTube, and being a tech-head, obviously the niche I looked for was in that sector.

Well, to be honest, I started straight at the right place, MKBHD, you can`t go wrong, considered as the YT tech-guru, but then I got stuck so to say in Casey Neistat`s channel. It was MKBHD who took me to him, in that video were he visits Casey`s original (mildly put) studio. I was fascinated by Casey`s office, everything so raw, labelled boxes, tools, TVs as camera screens or displays, even rings dangling from the roof for exercise. So, it started from there, following Casey and his vlogs religiously, daily, apart from other youtubers I checked, but it was mainly Casey.

I was captured by his style of videos, the story-telling which flowed seamlessly and glued you to the screen. So, quite naturally, my first thoughts were leaning towards becoming a vlogger myself, to give it a shot, but by time I realised that Malta isn`t New York, we are small and people are known, let alone gossip followed by possible hate. Couldn`t imagine myself with camera in hand talking alone in the streets, so by time I discarded that idea. Today I would say sod all the haters, and maybe I should have tried it, but that was then, and this is now.

Since I already had a thing for writing, and my passion for tech started to increase, I started to contemplate starting a YT channel, but in the format of tech news and reviews, the sort. However, until I found some courage to click that blessed Publish button, more weeks, then months passed by. It is incredible how one can postpone something ad nauseum, but rest assured it happens, for several different reasons, or again excuses.

So, fast forward to present, and here we are, started the channel, finally, just few videos in, humble ones, accompanied by basic editing. Now as they all say, the key is to be regularly consistent, and that is one of the greatest challenges, together with finding the muse for creativity, executing your ideas in a way that hopefully engage the ones watching, so much that they click on like, or ideally subscribe. Then you need to start publicising your channel, and putting in the correct hashtags, see what happens. Mind you, I am being realistic, with both feet firmly on the ground. It is not sour grapes when I say that I`m not after numbers, followers or subscribers. If they come they are a bonus and I`ll be extremely happy, but I am doing it to have a portfolio of videos which I like, which I think make sense, to express myself, like I feel and do when writing.

Meanwhile I created two other websites apart from this, which I haven`t released or published so far. One dedicated to photography, which is my other passion after technology, but I need to invest in a decent camera first. My budget is looking at Canon`s EOS 250D or M50 squarely in the face. Any other suggestions are welcome. Oh the other website? That`s something on the side, maybe I`ll tell you about it another time.

Plenty of ideas, as you can see, all swirling in my head, trying to find the time, but one can concentrate on one sector at a time, no? I had started podcasts on Anchor app, they`re still there, tech and football related at the time. Who knows, might juggle with that too, but for now the YouTube channel, writing and updating this website will be more than enough for the undersigned. I have family and an 8to5 job to attend to, you know, which is my main income, to invest also in these so called modern hobbies, passions, even part-time work if we`re looking at monetising some day.

So there it is, I can finally say it, yes, I started a YouTube channel. Join me on my venture if you wish, let`s see what happens, I am excited. Channel name? Oh, TechDaveMT of course, duh.




Passionate about technology,from drones,electric cars,to phones and smart homes,I am game. Let's interact,share info & please visit my YT channel,same name.